Today, July 7, 2008, I got a chance to head out after two caches down in St. Mary's County. Actually this were recent publications and were the only two in the St. Mary's I hadn't found. The first one ""Leonardtown Blue Light Special" was a new cache from Goldenhawk. He happens to be one of my favorite hiders in the area. I can tell that he puts a lot of thought into his caches and rarely do they disappoint. This one was no exception! Located down on the new renovated Leonardtown Wharf, a good geo-friend and I were able to enjoy the morning and find another one of GH's hides in plain sight.
The second cache that we did was the "Washing Away" earthcache was located down on St. George's Island, down past the turn for the Piney Point Lighthouse. There my friend and I got a chance to look around and notice how the area was trying to deal with the problem of erosion. This picture
Tomorrow we, my good geo-friend and I, are heading after a TRUE Terrain 5 cache. Read more about that tomorrow!